First to Communicate



1st Signal Brigade Association


2014 Reunion Report




 September 11 -14 in Williamsburg, Virginia




The 1st Signal Brigade Association hosted its 2014 Reunion in Williamsburg Virginia beginning on Thursday September 11th through Sunday September 14, 2014.  This was the Association's 9th reunion since 1995.  The reunion took place at the Woodlands Hotel in the heart of Colonial Williamsburg.


This reunion surpassed attendance of all previous reunions.   Highlights of the event:

  •  Our reunion opened the Hospitality suite #1 and Registration in the Woodland Conference Center on the 11th of September 2014.  241 1SBA members and guests were registered during the reunion event.  Each attendee received a welcome packet and information packets and maps of the area.
  •  The optional tour to Fortress Monroe Casemate Museum Fort Monroe, VA, the MacArthur Memorial, Norfolk, VA, and the Nauticus/Naval Museum/Wisconsin was conducted on the 12th of September 2014.  There were 155 attendees for this day long tour.
  •  Unit night was held on the 12th of September 2014.  211 members and their guests developed groups and locations to dine.  The larger groups, Phulam and the 459th Signal Battalion were also required to make reservations.  Other smaller groups were formed with attendees from the same units or a composite of attendees from different units.  Buses were available to move attendees from Hotel to Restaurant and back to the Hotel.
  •  The Business Meeting on the 13th of September 2014 was led by the Chairman of the Association, LTG Peter Kind (US Army – Ret.).  He provided an overview of the overall activities of the association, its charitable donations both in South Korea and the United States as well as the benefits of having membership in the 1SBA.  Chuck Valen, 1SBA Board of Directors, gave a Presentation on the 1SBA trip to South Korea and Vietnam.  The trip and the presentation were very well received and its activity coincided with a significant increase in interest and membership with the 1SBA.  Colonel Paul Fredenburgh, most recently Commander of the 1st Signal Brigade Korea, provided a presentation of the 1st Signal Brigade Korea today and tomorrow.
  •  The 1SBA 2014 reunion had the largest number of attendees at its banquet, 241 members and guests to include Color Guard, Guest Speaker LTG Ferrell, Army Chief Information Officer/G-6, and Chaplain LTC Felix L Sermon, 93rd Signal Brigade.  Chaplain Sermon provided the invocation.  Howard Bartholf hosted the POW/MIA ceremony while Tom Kalinowski, 1st Signal Brigade Vietnam piped “Amazing Grace” during this event.  LTG Ferrell was the key note speaker for the Banquet.  He highlighted the successes of the Information Systems Command and how the Army is addressing and staying at the forward edge of the challenges to maintain and protect Information Security.
  •  During a post event inventory, Dennis Byrnes reported that $2,887.00 in sales of 1SBA product.  45 coins, 55 hats, 32 bumper stickers, and 101 shirts were sold to the membership and their guests.
  •  The Association made the following charitable contributions during the 2014 Reunion, totaling $3,500:
    1.   The Hanbit Blind School in Korea, on behalf of the 1st Signal Brigade.
    2.   The Wounded Warrior Project, in honor of LTC (RET) John Barret, a former member of  the 93D Signal Brigade at Fort Eustis, Virginia.
    3.   The Fisher House in Richmond, Virginia.


1st Signal Brigade Association